Saturday, April 28, 2007


This is the other little guy I fell head over heels for. Totally different from Relebo, but a good buddy of his.

He's super independent, going up and down Maleqatse all by himself at the ripe old age of four.

My favourite moments were when I held Lehlilika on one knee and Relebo on the other and just chattered with them in Sesenglish (a mix, obviously of Sesotho and English).

Walking home from school each day and having these two run up to me and greet me can't be beaten.

I wish they were waiting for me every day here in Ottawa to greet me. It never failed to put a huge smile on my face.

No matter how tired I was, I always mustered up the energy to scoop each one up and toss him in the air, then carry him back to my hut on my hip, or with his little hand in mine.

I tickled Lehlilika

When I was between villages, I decided with my boyfriend to sponsor Relebo and Lehlilika, so that, despite family situations (Relebo will be a double orphan soon and Lehlilika's 8 year old brother has left school to be a herd boy in order to help support the family), they will both attend school. A tiny bit of money each year will facilitate this. My friend was just in Lesotho and has a photo of the two of them in their uniforms. They started attending school half a year early, because two free meals are supplied there and they need food in their little bellies.

1 comment:

DomesticGoat said...

Segway- I just spent some time reading your posts on this blog- incredible. What an amazing experience it must have been for you.

Your pics and videos are absolutely gorgeous. What beautiful children. I'm sure you had an amazing impact on them, as they clearly did on you.

Nice work. What an inspiration.